Charles the Principled: Letter to the Sunday Telegraph

Sir - Am I alone in thinking that Prince Charles would make a more effective Prime Minister than any of the weak focus-group-influenced politicians currently in power?

A man of principle, who is willing to boycott a banquet given for the leader of an oppressive regime that has an appalling human rights record, deserves our support. Whilst our politicians kowtow to anyone and everyone, at least the Prince of Wales might say what we all think.

Bentley Robinson, Holywood, County Down

Britishness: Letter to the Daily Telegraph

Sir - In Northern Ireland we have remained British despite 30 years of terrorism and a defeatist government. We are part of that "common past, present and future".

Go to the crypt of St Paul's Cathedral and stand beside Wellington's tomb (himself an Irishman). Plagues commemorate British generals of the Second World War: Alanbrook, Alexander, Montgomery,Dill - all Ulstermen. I don't feel any different from an Englishman, I am proud of the history, innovation, tolerance and fair play of my nation - the British nation.

Bentley Robinson, Holywood, Co.Down